Behance - Portfolio

    This week I had to tackle my portfolio again, but this time with this class! Before I compiled my work, I scrolled through the portfolios they had on the website, and I was more than surprised to see the number of artists with a wide range of selections in their portfolios. I suddenly remembered why I had to take this Three-dimensional course for my major- it’s to display that you have the capability and flexibility necessary for the arts. I have to take it upon myself not to master but understand that there are different mediums to work with and that I’m not confined to just one area of expertise. While I can specialize in that field, I can also show a greater understanding if I am more versatile.

    Going back to my portfolio, I wanted to make sure I caught my best work, including the various photography assignments, the animation, and the photoshopped work I had done for this class. I was afraid of copyright issues for the Imagine video, so I decided to go with my calcifer animation. While the work is clunky, I am proud of it for my first genuine animation attempt. I also included the “Portal to another world” assignment, in which I wanted to make sure that my fantasy vision was present. I had the Pinterest mood board images in there to better understand the thought process behind the finished painting. The final work I added to my portfolio was the edited and non-edited images we took for photography assignments. Again, I wanted to include the best photos I had and the warped images to display a variation in work.



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